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Blue giant supreme 11- Tout sur la série Blue Giant Supreme Suite directe de 'Blue Giant', manga traitant de l'évolution du jeune saxophoniste Dai Miyamoto dans le milieu du jazz 'Blue Giant Supreme' voit le héros débarquer en Europe !Need an exact date?

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Starting in the next issue on September 10, Ishizuka will launch a sequel series titled Blue Giant Supreme, which sees protagonist Dai travel overseas The manga centers on Dai Miyamoto, who is inThe title is obviously a reference to Trane's albums Blue Train and Giant Steps There's even a sequel called Blue Giant Supreme (you can guess where that name comes from) There are tons of jazz references throughout the book (this being the first ofBlue Giant inplant lift products can be built in virtually any size and capacity and can be customized to meet specific application requirements All our inplant lift tables are ergonomically designed to improve operator efficiency and productivity With vertical travel ranges from 24" to 72" and load lifting capacities of up to 100 lbs
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The manga is a sequel to Ishizuka's Blue Giant manga and covers the overall franchise's "Europe Arc" Ishizuka launched Blue Giant Supreme in September 16 Shogakukan published the manga's 10thBlue Giant Supreme This sequel series to Blue Giant follows main character Dai as he travels to Europe and continue his journey to become the best jazz player in the world Shinichi Ishizuka is so good at creating human dramas and the subtle nuance he puts in the facial expressions of characters is fantasticBlue Giant Supreme est un manga seinen crée en 17 par ISHIZUKA Shinichi, édité par Glénat (Seinen) prépublié dans Big Comic

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